Thursday, November 1, 2007

Do the Right Thing

“Do The Right Thing”

I have noticed, over these past few years of my life, a very quickly growing condition in people of all ages and genders, faiths, countries, company policies, well everyone…. When a person or entity faces a decision of any kind he, she or it has three choices (1) do the easy thing (2) do the greedy thing, whether it be easy or hard (3) do the right thing. While I hope people will choose to do the right thing when faced with a difficult choice or decision, they very rarely do. Sad.

For example, someone you know is a twentyish person desperate to find a job outside the fast food business. This person has very little college and no real job experience but begs for jobs he/she is not qualified for, due to a sincere willingness to learn. Finally an employer agrees to train on the job and our “person” is thrilled…for about three to four months; then he/she starts noticing all the things about working in this new found job that make it awful.

The three choices now before our employee are 1) do the easy thing which could include getting back at the nasty boss or supervisor by sitting around not working, lying, calling in sick often and more… so the employer would fire her/him 2) do the greedy thing by stealing, lying, and finding ways to get more from the job financially so she/he would feel justified staying where he/she doesn’t want to be 3) do the right thing and explain the job is not a good fit and give a two week notice. My experience has been that “doing the right thing” is not an option in these cases anymore.

Doing the right thing is becoming an extinct course of action now. I am saddened as I see more and more people unwilling to work hard to make their living. Everyone wants their needs to be met but not as a result of their labor; anything but that! People today, want it fast and they want it easy. Doing the right thing and making a plan for their life and how to support themselves is just not one their options.

I want to know. What happened to “doing the right thing”?

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